Friday, May 29, 2009

How to incorporate small elephants and spider webs into your outfits; sorry, how to wear statement accessories.


1. Sometimes big things really do come in small packages; elephants and umbrellas would seem to be hard to pack, but I think this will fit quite dearly into my suitcase for Paris, to be layered with Breton stripes, colour blocks of Plum and dark turquoise, and grays. This intricately cut acrylic pendant comes from Untamed Menagerie; $22, and may contain addiction to coffee, cream cheese pastries, and quiet time.

2. Strangulation by octopus is really not a bad way to go. Wow, that's an awful double entendre. I shall go string myself up with silk stockings. Again from Untamed Menagerie, this time $18. Did I mention that they're based in tennesee? Perhaps the moonshine fumes lingering in the air inspired their wacky creations. That or nature, vintage illustrations, chihuahuas, pink hair and the human/octapod anatomy.

Melancholy LashesForgotten
...possibly more octapod than human.... $25 and $18

Découpe-moiVeines et artères
3. We must remember that beauty isn't skin deep, going beyond our mortality, and so accesorize appropriately.... all (32-48€)

4. To reference Therese Desqueyroux, I would add that we're all just animals, sleepwalking into the birdcage, only to find it slam shut behind us. 28,00€

Little wolves
5. Especially where money's concerned, we're never far from a dog fight... 14,50€

Gossip Gossip Record Bag
6. Always remember to recycle your musical heritage. (Oh i'm just rolling with the bad puns here.) Jodi Bates has designed this series of record bags, which i take it she does after having listened to them (waste otherwise).

Anatomica Heart NecklaceAnatomica Brain Necklace
Anatomica Tooth PendantAnatomica Ribcage Necklace
7. I did mention recognising that beauty isn't only skin deep, didn't I? These are all Paraphernalia designs, straight out of one Ms. Vanda's studio in Portugal. What, you want something less hardcore? Fine, with a wonderful demonstration of how simple grays, with an interesting texture, will really let the jewellry kick out.

which brings us nicely to no. 8. Ask alice. I'm not sure why I never thought of putting Sir John Teniel's illustrations onto jewellry, because now it seems like the most obvious idea in the world. I'm so jealous of my friend, lets call her P, who has a framed print of his (signed) over her bed. Lucky doll has an antique dealer for a father! The more obvious reference is pocket watches. Which make fantastic necklaces, and timepieces, if they function. If it does not function, for goodness sake take it to a horologist; support your local craftsmen!

Bandit Love Necklace
9. Awww, cute critters go well with burgundy. Sorry, sorry, I meant dark Sterling silver goes well with burgundy, and dark knitwear. Burgundy knitwear? wow. Genius. Mark Poulin is a fantabulous designer, and this can be found for $26 at Shana Logic (You know, I preffered that place before the name change & movement; new site's so damn efficient!)

Positive emotion of the day. Little big-eared hedgehog (8 photos)
10. Hedgehogs are badass and cute! a) Pointy b) awwww: it looks like Dobby. you cannot buy this one (find your own. I suggest getting a terrier to for you; they never learn from the spikes) but this is courtesy of


Susanna-Cole King said...

Aw, I love some of the pieces of jewelry, featured here, so clever and playful! :)


Anonymous said...

ooh statement jewelry. i love it to death :-)

Annie said...

you've honestly just posted some of the coolest jewelry i've ever seen! the elephant necklace is amazing, against a white tee it would look so stunning. those tights are KILLER as well.

Natalia said...

What a lovely blog! Pure pretty :)

Dani said...

Oh my I want all of these things! And hedgehogs are lovely indeed... this is my favorite baby hedgehog picture ever. I want to own one damnit.

Anonymous said...

I WANT A HEDGEHOG!!! so cute =)
very interesting jewelery!