Sunday, March 29, 2009

A little colour theory....

What happens when you mix Balmain with maths? And not the obvious, (see geometry, structure, and shape) But histograms? Colour theory is what happens. From this:
into a colourful histogram. Fun fun. 3D Histogram is an open-source web app, developed so that people could have a better understanding of colour in design, and what colours went well together. A great tool to remember for eventual colour theory classes, decoration schemes, or critical analysis of paintings. apparently, it shows the overall color composition of an image by "placing cubes in a 3D space whose X, Y, and Z values correspond to the R, G, and B values of the color being graphed." But, to make it simpler for those who can't quite visualize using just concentration of the blighters, each cube is "painted with the color it represents, and then sized according to its relative frequency in the image." If all else fails, it's pretty and multicoloured, and it moves.
So... next time I decorate a room, perhaps I'll use a Christopher kane dress?


Anonymous said...

im in love for this balmain dress and with this shoes it looks so amazing !

An (ex) alien in new york said...

I do like those shoes.

The pattens amazing. I love the sleeve length. I'm strugglling over the shoulders. Did every designer have a sudden age to re-eighty-fy life?

I do like the 80s....