Friday, October 5, 2012


If you pop to my tumblr, that's actually where I tend to show my designs, sketches and works in process (if you want some insight into the creative process of a fashion designer). It's actually updated regularly! amazing. like back in the days of AONY dot blogspot. Unfortunately i'm fallng short on the witty musings, but a girl has classes for her senior year of fashion design, a stage (internship) at American Retro, a stage for one of my professors, fabric sourcing, a Fashion magazine (MKR) to help edit, and a motherlode of favours to do for everyone in Paris in fashion, from my ex professor's production manager, to stylists and photographers to fellow students. All whilst somehow remembering to eat and do homework and see friends. At a period when I'm getting more than three hours sleep, I promise i'll multitask better. As it is i'm in a permanant stake of frantic exhaustion and I have some technical flats to fo. It's funny to look back four years to when you still had time. And money. If i was broke then I don't know what I am now. All of my money is spent on fabric and fashion does not pay bills. bises! An Alien